Comme vous l'avez surement deviné, nous sommes donc en vacances à LONDRES!!
Voilà donc les explications de tous ces indices:
Indice n°1 : C'est un pays étranger -> L'Angleterre
Indice n°2 : Nous prenons l'avion à Paris
Indice n°3 : Le vol durera moins de deux heures
As you certainly guessed, we are in holidays in LONDON!!
Here are some explanations for all the clues :
Voilà donc les explications de tous ces indices:
Indice n°1 : C'est un pays étranger -> L'Angleterre
Indice n°2 : Nous prenons l'avion à Paris
Indice n°3 : Le vol durera moins de deux heures
Indice n°4 : Le football est un sport très présent dans ce pays -> Tous les amateurs de foot savent que le championnat anglais est un des meilleurs d'europe.
Indice n°5 : Dans ce pays, les habitants sont plutôt réchauffés -> Ben oui, les anglais sont les seuls en T-shirt (et les anglaises en jupe) au mois de décembre alors qu'il neige et que tout le monde se cache dans sa doudoune!
Indice n°6 : Ce pays est assez peu représenté dans le ski -> A part Chemmy Alcott et les frères Baxter, je ne connais pas beaucoup de coureurs et/ou coureuses en Coupe du Monde .
Indice n°7 : Les habitants de ce pays sont réputés pour savoir faire la fête -> Même si beaucoup de gens ont cette faculté, les anglais ne seront jamais les derniers!
Indice n°8 : Après les deux villes de l'amour, c'est la ville d'Europe la plus visitée
Indice n°9: Son drapeau contient la couleur rouge
Indice n°10 : La Royauté est toujours présente dans ce pays -> Qui ne connait pas Elisabeth?
Indice n°11 : Le pays a des frontières maritimes -> Bon ok, le pays n'a QUE des frontières maritimes, mais si je vous mettais ça, vous auriez tout de suite trouvé et ça n'aurait pas été drôle...!
Indice n°12 : Ce pays a voté il y a peu de temps -> L'Angleterre a voté pour les élections municipales, le week end du 5 mai.
Indice n°13: Le poisson fait partie d'un plat typique -> Je parle bien sur du célèbre fish and chips!
Indice n°14 : Un passage piéton y est célèbre.
Indice n°15 : On y fait de jolies rencontres -> Cet indice vient du nom d'un célèbre film : Coup de foudre à Notting Hill.
Indice n°16 : Dans ce pays, une gare est célèbre pour son moyen d'y accéder -> Une gare s'appelle King Cross, comme dans Harry Potter. Dans la saga, pour arriver à cette gare,il faut passer à travers un mur en courant.
Indice n°17 : Dans cette ville, un parc a le nom d'un candidat à la présidentielle -> un parc de Londres s'appelle Holland Park.
Indice n°18 : Là-bas, il y a des yeux partout -> A Londres, il y a beaucoup de caméras pour surveiller les rues. Il y a aussi le London Eye.
Indice n°19 : Ils ne font rien comme nous -> Ils payent en £, conduisent à gauche...
Here are some explanations for all the clues :
Clue n°1 : It's a foreign country -> England
Clue n°2 : We take a plane in Paris.
Clue n°3 : The flight will take less than two hours.
Clue n°4 : Football is a sport really present in that country -> Every football lover knows that the english championship is one of the best in Europe.
Clue n°5 : In this country the inhabitants are rather warmed up -> Of course! Only english guys wear T-shirts (or girls wear skirts) in december while it's snowing outside and everybody is hiding in their jackets.
Clue n°6 : That country is not represented a lot in alpine skiing -> Except Chemmy Alcott and the Baxter brothers, I don't know a lot of racers in World Cup.
Clue n°7 : The inhabitants of the country are known to know how to partying -> Even if lots of people have that faculty, english people will never be the last!
Clue n°8 : After the two cities of love, it's the most visited city in Europe.
Clue n°9 : Its flag has the red colour
Clue n°10 : Royalty is still present in that country : Who doesn't know Elisabeth?
Clue n°11 : That country has maritime borders -> Okay, the country has ONLY maritim borders but if I had told you that, you would have guessed instantly and the game would have stopped, it wouldn't have been fun!
Clue n°12 : The country has voted a few time ago -> The week end of May 5th, they voted for municipal elections.
Clue n°13 : Fish is a part of a typical meal there -> I'm of course talking about the famous fish and chips.
Clue n°14 : A pedestrian crossing is famous there.
Clue n°15 : We can do pretty meetings -> That clue comes from a famous movie title. In french it's Crush in Notting Hill (with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant).
Clue n°16 : In this town, a station is famous for its way to access there -> There is a station called King Cross as in Harry Potter. In the saga, to go to that station, you have to cross a wall.
Clue n°17 : A park has the same name as a french presidential candidate -> There is a park called Holland park.
Clue n°18 : Out there, there are eyes everywhere...-> In London, there are a lot of cameras to supervise the streets, and because of the London Eye.
Clue n°19 : They don't do anything like us -> They pay with £, they drive on the left side ...
Clue n°20 : The city is preparing a very particular event
Clue n°7 : The inhabitants of the country are known to know how to partying -> Even if lots of people have that faculty, english people will never be the last!
Clue n°8 : After the two cities of love, it's the most visited city in Europe.
Clue n°9 : Its flag has the red colour
Clue n°10 : Royalty is still present in that country : Who doesn't know Elisabeth?
Clue n°11 : That country has maritime borders -> Okay, the country has ONLY maritim borders but if I had told you that, you would have guessed instantly and the game would have stopped, it wouldn't have been fun!
Clue n°12 : The country has voted a few time ago -> The week end of May 5th, they voted for municipal elections.
Clue n°13 : Fish is a part of a typical meal there -> I'm of course talking about the famous fish and chips.
Clue n°14 : A pedestrian crossing is famous there.
Clue n°15 : We can do pretty meetings -> That clue comes from a famous movie title. In french it's Crush in Notting Hill (with Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant).
Clue n°16 : In this town, a station is famous for its way to access there -> There is a station called King Cross as in Harry Potter. In the saga, to go to that station, you have to cross a wall.
Clue n°17 : A park has the same name as a french presidential candidate -> There is a park called Holland park.
Clue n°18 : Out there, there are eyes everywhere...-> In London, there are a lot of cameras to supervise the streets, and because of the London Eye.
Clue n°19 : They don't do anything like us -> They pay with £, they drive on the left side ...
Clue n°20 : The city is preparing a very particular event
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